Scanner IP
Script pour scanner les IP d'un réseau
Usage :
python [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit -i IP, --ip=IP Specifie une adresse ou la plage IP -t THREAD, --thread=THREAD Specifie le nombre de threads pour le scan -o OUTPUT, --output=OUTPUT Specifie le nom et le chemin pour le fichier de sortie .txt -n TIMEOUT, --timeout=TIMEOUT Specifie le nombre de tentatives par IP
Exemples : Afficher l'aide
python --help
Scanner des IP du réseau
python -i
code source :
#!/usr/bin/python infos =''' ###################################################### --- OPTIONS et USAGE --- python [options] options : -h, -i, -t, -o, -n Exemples : python --help python -i ------------------------------------------------------ ###################################################### ''' # ==================================================== # usage des options usage = "usage: %prog [options] " # ==================================================== # Importation des Modules import os import multiprocessing import time import optparse import platform # Ping class PingScan: def __init__(self, target, thread, output, timeout): self.start_time=time.time() self.collect_ip=multiprocessing.Queue() self.thread=thread self.output=output self.timeout=timeout self.set_os_command() self.multi_scan() # Sauvegarde Output def save_output(self): f=open(self.output,'a') for i in self.collect_ip: f.write(i+'\n') f.close() return # Multi_processing def multi_scan(self): proces=[] for ip in k=len(multiprocessing.active_children()) if k==self.thread: time.sleep(3) self.thread=self.thread+30 mythread=multiprocessing.Process(target=self.checkping, args=(ip,)) mythread.start() proces.append(mythread) for mythread in proces: mythread.join() self.endtime=time.time() self.affichage_resultats() return # Affichage def affichage_resultats(self): sauvegarde_ip=[] x=1 while x==1: try: sauvegarde_ip.append(self.collect_ip.get_nowait()) except: x=x+1 self.collect_ip=sauvegarde_ip print "\n"*3,"#"*80 print "[+] Demarrage Scan \t\t:\t",time.ctime(self.start_time) print "[+] Fin du Scan \t\t:\t",time.ctime(self.endtime) print "[+] Duree Totale du scan \t:\t",self.endtime-self.start_time print "[+] Nombre Adresses IP Actives\t:\t",len(self.collect_ip) if self.output: self.save_output() return # Selection de commande selon OS def set_os_command(self): oper = platform.system() if (oper=="Windows"): ping = "ping -n {} {}" elif (oper== "Linux"): ping= "ping -c {} {}" else : ping= "ping -c {} {}" self.commad=ping return # Status IP def checkping(self, ip): ping=self.commad recv=os.popen(ping.format(self.timeout, ip)).read() recv=recv.upper() if recv.count('TTL'): print "[+]\t {} \t==> IP Active ".format(ip) self.collect_ip.put(ip) return # Extraction plage IP def extraction(plage): storeplage=[] if plage: # Verification plage IP if "-" in plage and "," not in plage: x1,x2=plage.split('-') storeplage=range(int(x1),int(x2)) elif "," in plage and "-" not in plage: storeplage=plage.split(',') elif "," in plage and "-" in plage: x2=[] for i in plage.split(','): if '-' in i: y1,y2=i.split('-') x2=x2+range(int(y1),int(y2)) else: x2.append(i) storeplage=x2 else: storeplage.append(plage) else: pass return storeplage # Extraction adresse IP def IP_extractor(ip): storeobj=[] ip=ip.split(':') x1=extraction(ip[0]) x2=extraction(ip[1]) x3=extraction(ip[2]) x4=extraction(ip[3]) for i1 in x1: for i2 in x2: for i3 in x3: for i4 in x4: storeobj.append("{}.{}.{}.{}".format(i1,i2,i3,i4)) return storeobj def main(): CBLUE = '\33[34m' CEND = '\033[0m' print(CBLUE + infos + CEND) parser=optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option('-i','--ip',type='string',dest='ip',help="Specifie une adresse ou la plage IP", default=None) parser.add_option('-t',"--thread",type='string', dest="thread", help="Specifie le nombre de threads pour le scan ", default='100') parser.add_option('-o',"--output",type='string', dest="output", help="Specifie le nom et le chemin pour le fichier de sortie .txt", default="logs_scan_ip.txt") parser.add_option('-n','--timeout',type='string', dest="timeout", help="Specifie le nombre de tentatives par IP",default='1') (options, args)= parser.parse_args() if not options.ip: print "[+] Indiquez une plage IP, ex: -i " exit(0) target=options.ip thread=options.thread output=options.output timeout=options.timeout target=IP_extractor(target) PingScan(target,thread,output,timeout) return if __name__ == '__main__': main()